Chinese tea from Shaolin

chang qian tea shop

Located in Dengfeng
Since 1991

We Cultivate Tea Culture For Practitioners

We hope that you can appreciate the quality of our tea. Let’s not hide the fact that not every foreigner understands Chinese tea, but you are special. You come to practice your body and spirit, so your senses are sharpened. The quality of our tea will always satisfy to your taste.

Categories of chinese tea

it doesn’t matter what a good store we have if you can’t find your favorite tea. You can choose a category of tea and find your favorite. If you can’t find such a tea, it’s okay, tea as the way may be find somewhere.

Family business.
Fathers supervision

After my brother graduated from University in 2007, we really became a family business. The first innovation that changed my father’s shop, and turned it into ours, was to add to the range of tea sets, tea tables and accessories.

Then the father still did not trust in addition to the purchase of the tea. We all the years of living in China went with him at the tea plantation and studied. At home, we learn to taste, and on the plantation we learn to haggle.

“Naked” Puer

We want to show you how the quality of tea depends on its price.

260 ¥ /500g

Changqian Te Ji

500 ¥ /500g

Bai Nian Gu Shu

The Knowledgeable

Just be aware of how much tea we drink only during tastings